At-Home Treatment for Children with Anxiety

An award-winning audio program that will teach your child what anxiety is, how it works, and how to overcome it.

Find the level of anxiety/distress your child is currently experiencing

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Designed for children

Child-friendly material needs to be fun. We sprinkled the program with funny characters, laughter, jokes, and playful dialogue. This is particularly helpful with such a serious subject as anxiety. We wanted to strike a balance between pretend and realism that is developmentally appropriate for this age group.

Audio Adventure

A unique and effective child anxiety treatment that can be used at home to help children overcome their fears. Through child-friendly audio, several adventure stories featuring several friendly characters and interactive workbook activities


After each day’s audio lesson, your child will open their personal Journal and complete the exercises that reinforce the class taught for that day. The journal is designed as a companion workbook to strengthen and personalize the information presented with each CD.

Child Anxiety

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